Video: watch a Lambo wade in water

Murciélago SV fords a river on the Gumball Rally. Impressive
Sometimes there's a lot not to like about the Gumball Rally - unpardonable rich boys, unpardonable rich boys using the word ‘party' as a verb etc - but occasionally it surprises us with the good kind of mentalism. Like when a 225bhp Renault 4 turned up. And when this Swedish bloke waded his Murciélago SV.

Jon Olsson, a professional skier, needed to get from Turkey into Greece as part of the event's 6000km route. This involved a very flooded border. But instead of being a princess about his £276,000 supercar, Olsson drove straight through it. Watch him get stuck in here.

Nice, but we bet he wishes he was in Jeremy's Toyboata, which you can see in action here. 

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