World’s first floating ice cream van

From the creator of Clarkson’s Toyboata comes this: HMS Flake 99

Ever wished you could enjoy a fresh ice cream while swimming or boating or surfing or, umm, jet skiing? Neither did we. But Mike Ryan, creator of Jeremy's Toyboater, did. And now there's this - HMS Flake 99.
Based on a Land Rover chassis with special amphibious underbits fabricated by Mike, the world's first water-fond ice cream van was commissioned by Fredericks, makers of Cadbury's ice cream, to celebrate National Ice Cream Week.
Mike says: "It's not as good as the Nissan I built for Jeremy, but you should see the crowds it draws."
HMS Flake 99 can reach five knots on the water, but its top land speed is yet to be discovered. Want to see it? It'll be touring Britain's beaches this summer and there are also plans to sail it across the channel. Hope it goes better than our attempt, which can be seen in all its futile glory here.

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